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Hi, I am Madhu Kumar C here. I’ve always believed in transparency on the web and so I am disclosing that I’ve included affiliate links on this site to those products or services that you may be interested in as you follow them and that I will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make.

My goal with this website is to help educate you on the possibilities that exist, but please understand I am doing this as a for-profit business. The website is growing to this point that it is nearly impossible to go back through and list each and every program that I have an affiliate agreement with.

Given this, you should assume that any links leading you to products or services or softwares or tools either online or offline are affiliate links that I will receive compensation or affiliate commission, from just to be safe.

Having said that, there are millions of products and services on the web that relate to online marketing, internet business including blogging, and making money online. I only promote those products or services which I truly feel deliver value to you or help you with positive transformation and recommended or suggested with good intention and faith.

Please note that I have not been given any free products or services or anything else by any companies or businesses in exchange for mentioning them on this site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions/earnings. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Cheers and Good Luck!

Madhu Kumar C

Updated: December 23, 2022

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Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on this website/blog are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I may earn a commission on the successful sale or lead. This commission comes at no additional cost to you.

Ethical Disclosure: There are no sponsored or paid promotion posts on this blog, and I have not received any free products from any business or brand. Any changes to this will be specifically mentioned in the respective blog posts or pages. The content published or shared is for informational or educational purposes only. 

AI Disclosure: Some of the content on this site is AI-generated in order to provide you, as a reader, with quality and useful content, including for a better user experience, and is edited, proofread, and fact-checked to context wherever necessary before publication.

With good intentions and faith, the affiliate products or services are promoted or recommended after extensive research and reading reviews including some of them from my personal experience and use. Kindly do your own due diligence before any action.

The major purpose is to provide enough possibilities for prospects, audiences, readers, and visitors to transform their lives/careers/businesses by nurturing them with high-quality knowledge, skills, tips, and methods/strategies, including online business opportunities, that are believed to provide the best results. Also, to mention that this website/blog 'does not encourage' or believe in get-rich-quick business.

Results are not typical as you follow and are not guaranteed, as outcomes might vary based on multi-factors.

Charity: Any earnings from this site, a piece of it will be donated, and the rest to partly supplement for living, learning, and  allied web maintenance

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