12 Fun Facts For Email Marketers:
Even in uncertain times, your customers or clients or audiences, or subscribers keep a close check on their email inboxes. Email, the first permission-based digital marketing channel, continues to be the most effective ROI driver. It's one of the first ways for customers to become acquainted with your brand.
However, using email to market amid a crisis can be difficult. To develop an email that pulls clients closer to crucial occasions, you need data or facts-driven decisions as well as a thoughtful touch.
These entertaining or informational facts can help you design an email that resonates with clients or subscribers or readers or audiences and establishes its own value as you progress through your email marketing journey, whether you're just getting started with email or trying to improve what you've previously built.
Let's start:
Fun Fact 1: For every $1 spent on email marketing, the average ROI is $44.
Fun Fact 2: 81% of customers say they love or like having a spam filter for email.
Fun Fact 3: 73% of customers prefer to use email when communicating with companies.
Fun Fact 4: 88% of consumers will share relevant information about themselves for exclusive offers and discounts.
Fun Fact 5: Customers are 2.1x more likely to view personalized messaging as important.
Fun Fact 6: 21% of sent emails are opened within the first hour of delivery.
Fun Fact 7: 59% of B2B marketers prefer email for lead generation.
Fun Fact 8: Email is 40% better at converting (in comparison to Facebook and Twitter).
Fun Fact 9: 40% of B2B marketers claim that email newsletters are the most important tactic in their content marketing strategy.
Fun Fact 10: 37% of respondents name email as the most effective channel for customer loyalty and retention, while websites were named by 13% and social media by only 11%.
Fun Fact 11: Marketing and advertising emails influence the buying decision of 50.7% of customers.
Fun Fact 12: Email marketing is mostly used for lead generation (85%), sales (84%), lead nurturing (78%), and customer retention (74%).
I believe these data or figures will assist you in improving or maximizing your business work performance.
All the best.....
P.S 1: Source of facts 1-5: 50 Best Practices For Email Marketers by Salesforce.
P.S 2: Source of facts 6-12: Snov.io blog on Email Marketing.
P.S: Alternatively, if you are seriously interested in amazing insights and stats from specific business marketing domains and verticals, you can find them here to drive results for your business. Let the data and stats speak!