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[Podcast in Digital Marketing] - Why Podcasting is the Future?

Writer: Madhu Kumar CMadhu Kumar C

Updated: Dec 16, 2024

Podcasts in Digital Marketing - [Why Podcasting is the Future]

Podcast in Digital Marketing:

A podcast in digital marketing is an emerging future. In fact, podcasts are a great way to give your customers and prospects the kind of experience they want. It is a form of content marketing too.

Podcasting is all about giving your listeners what they want. And that’s exactly what you need to do if you want to be successful online.

Do you know? -“Podcasts help you to reach out to new leads for your business and can help in building familiarity with a wide range of audiences. At least half of all Americans listen to a podcast, so imagine how many people listen to them globally” – G2

Podcasts offer a wide variety of benefits, such as improving productivity, boosting sales, and increasing brand awareness.

For these reasons and more, many digital marketers are now using podcasting as the best way to reach their audiences including generating revenue for the business.

The number of people listening to podcasts is growing year on year. This has been driven by the growth of smartphones.

Now more and more marketers are considering starting a podcast but do not know the best way to go about it. This is your opportunity to provide them with the advice that they need.

In this blog post, you will learn how you can use podcasts in digital marketing and why it's becoming so popular with marketers today.

Podcast Listening Growth:

Podcast Listener Growth
Image Source - Semrush’s Digital Trends 2024 Report

Podcast in Digital Marketing:

Podcasting is an increasingly popular way to use digital marketing. This trend is for a good reason too, as this medium has some great benefits.

Some of the most important benefits of podcasting are that it improves productivity and sales. Podcasts are also a great way to increase brand awareness, which is always a bonus.

Other benefits of using podcasts in digital marketing include:

  • Build relationships with your listeners.

  • Keeps your customers engaged.

  • Enhances customer experience.

  • Diversify your content or offer a new perspective.

  • Allows you to create a community.

  • Provides additional material for your website.

Podcasting is also a great way to reach new audiences that you may not have been able to reach otherwise.

They are especially useful if you want to reach an international audience, as podcasts can be distributed easily across different platforms.

“Podcasts have catapulted from niche to mainstream, attracting 135 million listeners monthly. And the truth is, your audience is everywhere” - Audacy's State of Audio The Trends Report

Why Podcasting is the Future?:

Podcasting has many benefits, which is why digital marketers are investing in this new form of marketing.

Podcasts offer a wide variety of benefits, such as improving productivity, boosting sales, and increasing brand awareness.

For these nine major reasons, digital marketers are now using podcasts as the best way to reach audiences and generate revenue for the business.

1) Podcasting Improves Productivity:

Podcasts can make you more productive while still being enjoyable. Listening to a podcast can put you into what's called "flow mode." This means you're so focused on what you're hearing that time seems to fly by.

You get lost in what's happening in the podcast and don't notice how long it's been since you started listening!

It also allows you to concentrate on one task - listening to a podcast - instead of trying to juggle multiple projects at once.

2) Boost Sales:

If you want your business to thrive and grow, customers must be able to purchase your products or services easily online. One way to make it easier for customers is through audio content like podcasts.

With an audio file format like podcasting, customers can listen while they browse through your site or shop around on other sites. They can also download them and listen to them later.

top marketing podcasts

3) Increase Brand Awareness:

Brand awareness is another great reason why digital marketers should be adding podcasting to their content marketing strategy.

Podcasts are a great way to get your brand out there, especially if you're targeting specific niche audiences.

You can create a custom podcast series that focuses on topics relevant to your brand and industry, which will help build trust with potential customers.

4) Extend Your Reach:

Podcasts are also a great way to extend your reach outside of your main social media networks. Social media is great for connecting with people on the go, but it's not the best format for in-depth conversations.

Podcasts allow you to talk about topics in detail and connect with listeners on an emotional level.

You can also use them as an opportunity to share links or call-to-action (CTA) buttons that point people toward more information about your business or products.

5) Build Authority:

Another reason why podcasts can be helpful for digital marketers is that they help build authority with potential clients and customers.

They're a great way to share credible information about what you're talking about in your industry.

6) Brand Awareness:

Podcasts are also a great way to get your brand out there and build awareness for it.

Many people don't know about your brand or business, but if you create a podcast series that talks about what you do, you can reach a whole new audience that may not have heard of you before.

7) Build Trust:

Podcasts help build trust with potential clients and customers. Podcasts make it easier for people to connect with you on an emotional level, which helps build trust and credibility for your brand.

“bloggers who produce audio content (that’s you, podcasters) are the most likely to report strong results” Bloggers Survey 2024 by Orbit Media Studios

8) Build Credibility:

Another reason why podcasts can be helpful for digital marketers is that they help build credibility with potential clients and customers.

Podcasts allow you to talk about topics in detail and share information that is relevant to your industry or niche audience, which will help convince listeners that they should purchase products from your company.

9) Get Feedback:

Finally, podcasts are also a great way to get feedback from listeners.

If you provide enough value with your podcast and ask for feedback from listeners, you will be able to gain valuable insights about your industry or niche audience that can help you improve your business strategy.

Podcasts can be really helpful for digital marketers because there is so much information to learn about this industry.

If you have too much information to learn and don't know where to start, a podcast series can be the perfect solution.

Podcasts allow you to listen to experts in the industry share their knowledge and experience with listeners, which will help give you all of the information that you need when it comes time to create a marketing campaign or plan.

“The share of podcast advertising bought programmatically to nearly triple by 2027” – Acast

How to Start a Podcast?:

Starting a podcast for digital marketing is easier than you might think. Just follow these simple steps to get started:

  • Decide what your topic will be and who your target audience is.

  • Create show notes for each episode, including a list of topics and any research you have done on those topics.

  • Record an introduction to introduce your listeners to the episode’s topic.

  • Discuss the topics that are listed in the show notes and provide any relevant information or links that might be helpful for your listeners.

  • End with the conclusion of the episode’s topic or a call to action if appropriate.

  • Upload the podcast to a hosting site, such as YouTube or SoundCloud.

  • Promote your podcast on social media and other digital marketing channels.

Nowadays, numerous AI tools are available to simplify your work by converting various content formats into podcast episodes.

Since podcasts are so easy to distribute and share, you can start one today and be sharing it with listeners in no time at all.

What Should You Talk About?:

The first thing to think about when considering podcasting is the content. And that might seem like a no-brainer, but it can be easy to forget.

First, you want to make sure that your content is interesting and valuable. Take care not to waste people's time by talking about things they don't care about.

You should also consider how you can best serve your customers by providing them with the information they need in the way they would like it delivered.

It's not just about what you're going to talk about, it's also about how you're going to deliver it. What are your listeners looking for?

Do they want a voice-over? Do they prefer a video? Or are they more interested in text-based content?

You can use these two factors—what you want to talk about and how you plan on delivering it—to figure out what type of podcast works best for your digital marketing strategy.

“Podcast Advertising Delivers 4.9 Times ROI and Outperforms Traditional Media, According to New Study” podnews

How to Succeed with Your Podcast Setup?:

The first step to succeeding with your podcast setup is to choose a good topic. You want to make sure you have a topic that will resonate with your customers, so you should do some research ahead of time.

The goal of your podcast is to grow your business, so the content must be relevant and helpful for the audience.

Once you decide on a topic, you need to get the equipment. This can be done with an inexpensive USB microphone or by purchasing a mixer from a store that specializes in sound production.

It's also important to consider audio editing software; this will help you edit out any unnecessary pauses or mistakes during recording.

Then you have to create a hosting service so people can listen live or download the audio after they are finished recording.

There are plenty of options for hosting services, but many digital marketers use Libsyn because it's easy and has great customer service.

After you have the equipment, you need to promote your podcast. One way to promote your podcast is by creating a website or blog for it. You can embed the audio player so people can listen to the episodes on your site.

Another option is to use social media sites like Facebook and X (Twitter), but you will have to be creative with your posts because most people won't be interested in hearing about your podcast.

Another way you can promote your podcast is by giving away freebies in exchange for an email address or other contact information.

You can give away anything from coupons to digital downloads of episodes, depending on what works best for your audience.

You should also consider using a call-to-action at the end of each episode so people know what they should do next if they want more information about a topic that was discussed during the episode.

Finally, you should consider using ads on your podcast. Advertisers will pay a premium for the exposure their ads get from people who listen to your podcast.

What do Podcast Listeners Think about Ads?:

What do Podcast Listeners Think about Ads

Get a Microphone:

First, you need to get a microphone. You have two options here: a traditional microphone or your phone. You can use your phone if you download the right podcasting app and turn on the recording feature.

However, using your phone's microphone will be very difficult to do. You will have to use a microphone on your computer and then transfer the audio file to your phone or tablet.

Another option is to get a traditional microphone. This can be an inexpensive USB mic or a more expensive mic that plugs into your computer.

The quality of the mic will likely vary depending on what you choose, but it's important that you get one that gives you some distance from the sound source so you can capture the sound without sounding too close or too far away from the sound source.

You can also use your phone as a microphone if you download the right app (like an app for recording lectures).

You'll have to make sure that your recording time is long enough for people not to notice any background noise and make sure that you're not in any rooms where there are other people talking (like classrooms or restaurants).

Your podcast will also benefit from having a good lighting setup. It doesn't have to be perfect, but a little bit of light can really help bring out the details of your audio.

Try to have at least one light that is focused on the person you're recording and then add additional lights to illuminate the background.

Remember that you want to make sure that your lighting doesn't distract people from what they're saying (or from hearing it at all).

The most important thing is to practice making a few recordings with your microphone and editing them together so you get used to how it sounds when it's combined with other audio.

You can even put these recordings on Soundcloud or YouTube if you want people to hear them without having access to your phone or computer.

You can also ask a friend who speaks well and has a strong voice for an audio recording on Skype or alike (but don't record him/her!).

This will give you some good feedback about how it sounds when someone else is speaking rather than just listening to yourself.

Once you've gotten used to this, you can move on to the next step: recording your own voice!

All you have to do is record yourself speaking a few different ways. You can also edit them together and listen to what it sounds like when you're doing it.

This will give you a good idea of how to speak more naturally so that your voice doesn't sound robotic or stilted.

There are two main things that you want to avoid:

1) Don't say umm' and 'uhh' too many times - these are just filler words and they sound really unnatural when combined with your voice.

2) Don't talk too fast - if you talk too fast, it will be hard for people to understand what you're saying since they won't be able to keep up with you.

Edit Your Voice:

Now that you've recorded all the different ways that you want to speak, it's time to edit them together. The best way to do this is to use an audio editing program like Audacity.

You can use Audacity and cut out all of the filler words and talk too fast bits, but there are also several other options available.

The most common method is to use a plugin called "Replace" which allows you to quickly and easily replace words with other ones by simply clicking on the word that you want to be replaced.

Mix Different Types of Voice Recordings Together:

Now that you've recorded all of your different speech patterns, it's time to mix them together. This is where you'll need to use a bit of creativity, but it's not too difficult.

First off, start by cutting out all the filler and talking too fast bits. Next, put each clip on a separate track. Edit each separately so that you can isolate each one from the others.

Then, simply drag both clips onto one track and mix them together with Audacity's "mix" option.

You can also use other programs like Adobe Audition for this step since it has a feature called "Collaborate" which allows you to share tracks with other people who are listening to your recordings without having to send them an email or message first.

Export Your Voice-Over Recording:

Finally, export your voice-over recording as an mp3 file using Audacity. This will allow you to send it to other people and get back their feedback.

Get Feedback from Your Audience:

Once you've sent your voice-over recording to someone, they should give you feedback. This is where the fun begins and where you'll be able to fine-tune your voice-over recording and make it as perfect as possible.

Find the right place to record your podcast:

The first step in creating your podcast is finding the right place to record it. If you’re going to be recording a podcast, then you need to find a quiet space so that your voice sounds clear and is not interrupted by background noise.

If you’re not sure where to record it, try recording your podcast in a place that has good acoustics such as a studio or an auditorium.

If you’re going to be recording your podcast in a studio, then you need to make sure that the space is well-lit and quiet so that you can capture clear audio.

If it’s noisy and there aren’t enough lights, then your audio will sound like it was recorded in a cave.

If you are going to be recording your podcast at home, then the best thing to do is record it outside on a nice day with the windows open.

This will give you the best chance of capturing clear audio because of all the natural sounds like birds chirping or wind blowing through trees.

If you can't record outside, then try to get as close as possible by finding an area with good acoustics such as an empty room or auditorium.

Create a Great Intro and Outro for Episodes:

When you have your own podcast, you need to put a little bit of personalization into it. You should create an intro and outro for your podcast. This will make it more professional and personal.

Make sure that the introduction to your podcast is relatively short as this is what people will hear before they listen to the episode. The introduction should be no longer than 30 seconds.

You should also create an outro for your podcast episodes.

Your outro should last about a minute or two and summarize what the episode was about, ask listeners for feedback, and give them any information they might want if they missed anything in the episode such as links or next week's topic.

Experiences and Insights from Other Marketers Who Use Podcasts:

Vincent Dignan is an Irish digital marketer who has been using podcasts for a few years. He shares his insights about the benefits of podcasting in his business.

He asserts that podcasting can be a great way to promote your business on social media, offer free content and generate leads, and promote your brand message.

In turn, this will help you grow your business. “I'm very much into content marketing so I find it's a great platform for me to share my knowledge and expertise with my audience and also invite guests on the show to talk about their experience."

“Podcasts are growing in popularity, with predictions indicating that over 71 million people will be tuning in by 2025” Mobile App Daily

tips to get most out of every podcast and enhance your SEO knowledg
Image Content Source - Backlinko

In conclusion, podcasts have become a powerful tool in digital marketing, enabling brands to connect with audiences on a deeper level through engaging and authentic storytelling.

By incorporating podcasts into your strategy, you can boost brand visibility, build trust, and reach a growing audience in today’s digital landscape.

Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Podcast Marketing Statistics

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P.S.S: Please don’t forget to forward this blog post to your network so they can get the best tips, practices, strategies, education, resources, and tools to help their businesses grow [sharing is caring].



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