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Social Media Usage In India – Latest Amazing 13 Key Stats And Facts!

Social Media Usage In India – Latest Amazing 13 Key Stats And Facts!

1. WhatsApp users: 487.5m

2. Active social media penetration: 33.4%

3. Leading social media network: YouTube

4. Number of Facebook users: 329.65m

5. Number of YouTube users: 467m

6. Number of Instagram users: 230.25m

7. Number of LinkedIn users: 83m

8. Number of Snapchat users: 126m

9. Number of Twitter users: 23.6m

10. Estimates indicate that by 2023, there will be almost 450 million social network users in the country.

11. Today, India’s digital advertising industry is worth over 160 billion Indian rupees, and it was estimated to reach 560 billion rupees by 2023.

12. The average internet user in the country spends over three hours per day on social media. And a large proportion of this user base were millennials and gen Z.

13. It was estimated that by 2025, this penetration of social networks would be 67 percent of the country's population.

Source: Statista [Published by Tanushree Basuroy Alsop, Apr 6, 2022/Statista Research Department and allied pages]

By the way, if you are interested, you may access these stats and insights from the Global Social Media Trends Report 2022.

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